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Principal Newsletter 22-23 Term 4

Dear Families

It has been a busy and productive term here at The Wells Academy and I have enjoyed the opportunity to work more closely with students, staff and families. Students have responded exceptionally well to lessons in their new classrooms, and it has been wonderful to see them benefit from more learning time with their expert teachers.

Thank you so much to families that joined us at our Year 9 Options Evening and Year 11 Results Evening. It is wonderful to see so many supportive families invested in their child’s education, and I relished the opportunity to meet and speak with so many of you at both events. The Year 10 and Year 7 Parents Evenings will take place next term, so please look out for the dates.

Families at our Year 9 Options Evening

There have been many highlights from this term, and, as always, our students have made us proud! A huge well done to our Year 8 and Year 9 footballers that represented Wells in the GAT Inter Trust Football Tournament! Thanks to staff for going above and beyond to provide memorable experiences for students this term, especially the colleagues that accepted the challenge of playing against Year 11 in a lively match of volleyball after school! My favourite moment this term was seeing staff dress up as book characters to celebrate World Book Day. I will struggle to forget the look of shock and joy on students' faces as the saw their Vice Principal, Mrs Aveyard dressed as the tyrannosaurus rex from Jurassic Park!

The Senior Leadership Team dressed for World Book Day!
Some of the students representing Wells at the GAT Football Tournament

Uniform reminder
Like all the staff at The Wells Academy, I have extremely high expectations of our students. This means we uphold the highest standards of uniform. During the summer term, please support your child by ensuring they leave the house in the morning wearing perfect uniform. Students must wear their school tie and their blazer every single day. We expect students to look smart and professional, so we permit a maximum of one pair of stud earrings. Our uniform and equipment expectations can be found here.

Staffing changes after Easter
I am sure you will join me in wishing the very best to Vice Principals Mrs Moors and Mr Davies who leave us this term. Mrs Moors moves to The Garibaldi School in Nottinghamshire as Deputy Head Teacher and Mr Davies joins E-ACT as Director of Trust Performance. I would like to thank them for their support and commitment to the academy.

We are delighted, however, to welcome our new Vice Principal, Mrs Bailey-Wiles, who joins us after Easter. Mrs Bailey-Wiles will lead on Inclusion. 

Give us your views
As a school, we are keen to hear and respond to your views. We’d be grateful of your feedback by completing our Family Survey by following the link here.

Come and work with us
Are you looking for a new job opportunity? We are currently recruiting a series of roles to support the daily running of the academy. We are seeking Catering Assistants to support our busy lunchtimes and Casual Sports Assistants to work in Mapperley Sports Village. For more information, please view our latest roles here. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and please share with anyone looking for a new opportunity within the local community.

Finally, may I wish you a restful and enjoyable Easter Break. I look forward to welcoming students back to the academy on Monday 17th April.

Warm regards

Mr G Coles

Students enjoy their reward ice creams on the final day of term!