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Wells Academy Closure

Wells Academy is now closed, please read the article for full details. 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Academy closure

As you know, we are all facing extraordinary challenges at this time and the situation is affecting all parts of society. Our staff have been doing all they can to keep our academy open, or partially open, since this crisis began and I would like to pay tribute to their remarkable commitment. They have been extraordinary and we will all continue to play our parts over the coming weeks and months.

As you may be aware, the Government made several very important decisions about schools. There will be further detail to follow but I wanted to ensure you had as much information as possible as early as possible.

Firstly, I want you to know that due to staff shortages, the Academy closed on Thursday 19th March, until further notice.

The Government has advised all schools in England to close, except for certain groups of children, as a further measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). No date has been set for when schools will re-open for all students.

The government is asking schools to offer provision for the following groups of students:

  • Children whose parents are frontline key workers which may include: NHS staff, Police and community support officers, Frontline civilian police staff, Prison officers and staff, Social Workers, Uniformed staff in Fire and Rescue services, Armed forces personnel, Highway Agency traffic staff, care workers and Food/Supermarket drivers
  • Those classed as what the Secretary of State described as “vulnerable children”. These could be those who have a social worker or those with EHCPs (Education, Health and Care Plan).

In order for us to plan for this provision we urgently need eligible parents to inform academies if they will require this In line with government guidance. To inform us of your eligibility please contact us by one of these methods:

These parents will then be contacted directly by the Academy once they have further information. 

For children who receive free school meals, the Government is currently arranging for vouchers and provision of those meals for those children. We are working with the Department for Education to ensure that this happens for all of our pupils who receive free school meals, and we will be in touch directly with those families with more information when it is available.

In the meantime, I would once again like to take this opportunity to thank you wholeheartedly for your understanding and ongoing support in helping us to manage this unprecedented situation. 

Yours sincerely,

Marcus Shepherd 
