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Proposed de-merger update

The Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) has approved the Trust’s proposal to de-merge the Nottingham Academy into two separate academies from September 2020.

This means that after reviewing the consultation responses, the Trust Board have agreed that the Greenwood Road and Sneinton Boulevard campuses (including the primary) will remain as the Nottingham Academy and the Ransom Road Campus will open as a new academy, with a new name from September 2020.

Please see the letter from Mr Shepherd, Principal at the Ransom Road site for further information and full details of the proposed changes at the Ransom Road Campus. These changes will only come into effect for the Ransom Road Campus and will not impact on the Greenwood Road and Sneinton Boulevard Campuses.


Letter from Wayne Norrie, CEO of the Greenwood Academies Trust


Nottingham Academy Consultation Information