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Nottingham College Students Share Fishmongering Skills with Academy pupils

Trainee chefs from Nottingham College have been passing on their culinary knowledge and newfound fishmongering skills to pupils from Nottingham Academy, during a seafood workshop, organised by the students as part of their course.

The workshop was inspired by a visit to London’s Billingsgate Fish Market, one of the UK’s busiest international fish markets. The students were given a tour, heard from the experts about issues such as quality and sustainable fishing, and learnt practical skills such as knife techniques and different methods of cooking fish and shellfish.

Trainee chef, Kenya Cameron-Richards, 18, from Aspley, said: “Our visit to Billingsgate Fish Market earlier this year was really useful. We were taught how to prepare a whole range of different fish and shellfish, from oysters, lobster and crab to hake, mackerel and coley. It was great to take myself ‘out of the box’ and widen my knowledge of less common fish.

“Sustainability is something I’ve learnt a lot about on my course this year. I think it’s so important to bear in mind the environment and our planet when cooking with certain ingredients, and I’ve really enjoyed being able to pass on this knowledge to the school pupils.”

On the 29 June, 20, 14 and 15 year olds from Nottingham Academy, got the chance to work with Level 3 Professional Chefs Diploma students. They helped to prepare, cook and present their own fish dish, which they each got to sample at the end of the session.

Kaycie aged 14, filleted a mackerel and helped to make crab cakes. She said:

“It’s been really fun to do something away from the classroom and to try something different. I’ve never filleted a fish before so it was good to learn a new skill. I think I would have a go at cooking this at home now I’ve seen how to do it.”

Nottingham Academy Head of Faculty for Technology, Donovan Truchet, said:

“We had a fantastic day at Nottingham College; it was a wonderful, interactive experience. The College team of staff and students were so professional, helpful and approachable, and it was a great opportunity for our pupils to try something they haven’t had a go at before at school.

“I know Nottingham College is one of the best colleges for catering training so it was hugely beneficial to bring our pupils here. Not only did it help to build confidence, knowledge and understanding, it also gave them that all important pathway into further education.”