Proposed changes to Academy Calendar 2019-2020
Nottingham Academy proposes a change to the Academy calendar
Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) consulted recently on School Holiday and Term time dates for the academic years:
- 2019/20
- 2020/21
- 2021/22
- 2022/23
The NCC consultation ended on 8 October 2017, with the most popular option chosen as follows:
- A shorter five week summer holiday
- A two week October half term break
- A fixed spring break - generally the first two weeks in April with Easter at either the beginning, middle or end of the two week block.
As an Academy, we are responsible for setting our own holiday dates, however in the recent past we have aligned our Academy calendar with Nottinghamshire County Council schools. Nottingham City schools already follow the proposed model.
Nottingham Academy proposes to continue to mirror the pattern adopted by Nottinghamshire County Council and to move to their chosen option from September 2019. This is to limit disruption to sibling groups who are both in Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council schools and for staff who have children in local schools.
Should you wish to provide feedback on the consultation please email or write to us at Nottingham Academy, Greenwood Road, Nottingham, NG3 7EB marking your envelope ‘Term Dates Consultation’ by Wednesday 18 July 2018 at midday.