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Year 10 Work Experience at NTU

Thursday 21 June, Mr Sharpe accompanied 28 of our Year 10 pupils on a work experience day at the Nottingham Trent University

Thursday 21 June, Mr Sharpe accompanied 28 of our Year 10 pupils on a work experience day at the Nottingham Trent University. The pupils were split into 4 different areas, which included Forensics and the Sports department. They were given the opportunity to work behind the scenes, some within the back offices and others within the Laboratories on site. The staff really made the day fun, interesting and informative for all. 

The day provided our pupils with a valuable opportunity to think about future pathways and have raised their aspirations. Throughout the day pupils commented  ‘I ‘m definitely going to Uni!’ and ‘I know which pathway I want to follow now’.

Comments from the host:

“It was a pleasure to meet and work with your students today, they were all very polite and very open and honest. At lunch I sat with a few students and was so impressed with their maturity and outlook on their future education and career prospects. A few approached me at the end and expressed their interest in further work experience opportunities.

You are obviously inspiring your students as it’s quite rare that we meet such an enthusiastic group.”

All students received a certificate at the end for completing the work experience. Nottingham Academy would like to thank NTU for such an inspirational day!