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Year 10 Trip to NTU 

Ransom Road pupils visit Nottingham Trent University 

On the 17th January Year 10 pupils from Ransom Road Campus visited Nottingham Trent University's 'Raising the Grade - English' event. The trip was a great success. Pupils embraced the experience, took part in different activities and  and showed their resilience in response to an unfamiliar environment. 

NTU's Raising the Grade Conferences are designed to raise GCSE attainment amongst grade 4/5 borderline learners. Pupils that attend take part in highly interactive, confidence building workshops which address particular aspects of the GCSE curriculum that they find challenging, often loosing marks.

Particular mentions must go to the following, who were nominated by staff for their effort, conduct and quality of work:

Ercan, Maja, Tylor and Dillon

As well as this personal mention, Dillon was chosen to read a poem he had written in the 'Spoken Word' workshop, led by Dreadlock Alien (a well known spoken word artisit who regularly performs at festivals, such as Glastonbury and Shambala). Dillon did this confidently and with enthusiasm in front of over 100 pupils.