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We are honest and do the right thing even when no one is watching


We work hard and are self-disciplined


We hold high expectations of ourselves

Principal Newsletter 22-23 Term 3

Dear Families

I would like to start by thanking you for the warm welcome you have given me as the new principal of The Wells Academy. It has been a delightful first term, and I am pleased to share the latest academy news and updates with you.

On the first day of term, I assembled students within year group assemblies to share with them my vision for the school. I also introduced our updated academy values of Integrity, Resilience and Ambition and took the time to explain what they meant to me. Throughout the term, it has been a privilege to witness the countless examples of both students and staff living out these values each day. I also shared with students and staff my three main priorities to ensure we become the best school we can be. They are to:

  1. Uphold a culture of high expectations,

  2. Develop an ambitious and inclusive knowledge-rich curriculum, and

  3. Raise standards of expert, evidence-informed teaching.

It is always a joy to see students working hard in lessons but it is also fantastic to witness them involved in enrichment activities outside of the school gates. I was particularly proud of the students that represented Wells in the Greenwood Academies Trust Inter school Basketball Competition. Our girl's team finished in second place (out of 9 schools within the trust) while our boys managed to win three of their games!

Meanwhile, students in Year 11 visited the Nottingham Theatre Royal and Concert Hall to watch the classic play ‘An Inspector Calls’ in preparation for their GCSE English Literature examination. Trips, events, and activities require a great deal of planning and preparation and so I would like to thank the staff that were involved in organising these opportunities for our students.

Classroom updates
Since students returned to school following the Covid-19 lockdown, they have been taught in year group bubbles in separate parts of the school building. After half term, this will change. Having seen the school operate on a daily basis, I am keen to give teachers their own classrooms within their own faculty areas while students will be expected to move around the building to each of their teachers. There has been lots of thought and planning put into this change, and I am confident it will have a positive impact on both students and staff. Staff will be able to set up and organise their own teaching spaces while students will benefit from more learning time.

Like you, I have extremely high expectations for your child and would like to take the opportunity to remind you of our rules and expectations, particularly regarding school uniform. It is fantastic to see the vast majority of students turning up to school each day, ready to learn in perfect uniform. Please ensure your child is wearing the full school uniform, including smart school shoes (not trainers) and a tie. Our full uniform and equipment expectations can be found on our newly updated website, here. Should you have any issues in obtaining an aspect of uniform, please just let us know.

Additional Bank Holiday
As you may be aware, an additional bank holiday has been announced to mark the coronation of His Royal Highness King Charles III. Therefore, the school will be closed on Monday 8th May in addition to the May Bank Holiday on Monday 1st May 2023.

Come and work with us
Are you looking for a new job? We have keen to recruit Kitchen Assistants to support our daily operations within the academy. For more information, please view our latest roles here and share them with anyone looking for a new opportunity within the local community.

Give us your views
As a school, we are keen to hear and respond to your views. We’d be grateful for your feedback by completing our Family Survey by following the link here.

Have a lovely half term and I look forward to welcoming students back to the academy on Monday 20th February! Please remember, that the Academy is open from 8am each day and that all students are welcome to join us from Breakfast Club. 

Kind regards

Mr G Coles