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Staying Safe and Healthy


Bullying is when a person or group deliberately and persistently intends to cause someone else to feel hurt, distressed, threatened, or humiliated. Bullying can take many forms, this could include physical assault, teasing, making threats, name calling or cyberbullying. Bullying is considered a ‘red line’ behaviour at The Wells Academy and will be dealt with robustly. Everyone deserves to feel safe in school.

If students are being bullied, they are taught to report it to a member of staff immediately. If students witness bullying, they are taught to report it to a member of staff immediately. If you are concerned about your child being bullied, please contact the academy and arrange to speak with your child’s Head of Year.

Online safety

While mobile phones are banned within the academy, we recognise that some families may wish their child to have a mobile phone on them to use to and from school. We remind families that the legal age to access most social media sites such as Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat is 13 and strongly advise families to monitor their child’s use of social media and more general use of the internet.

Tips for families to support keeping children safe online:

  • Educate your children about online safety and privacy, including the dangers of sharing personal information online.
  • Set ground rules for internet usage, such as time limits and appropriate websites and apps.
  • Use parental controls and monitoring software to limit access to inappropriate content and track your child's online activity.
  • Encourage open communication with your child about their online experiences and any concerns they may have.
  • Teach your child to be respectful and kind online, and to report any cyberbullying or harassment they may encounter.
  • Keep your own devices secure and model safe online behaviour for your child.
  • Stay up-to-date on current online threats and trends to better protect your child.

Personal safety

Our students’ safety is important to us. At The Wells Academy, we do everything we can to make sure that students learn in a safe environment. If students feel unsafe at any time, they are reminded that they should report any concerns to a trusted adult or a member of the safeguarding team immediately.

Tips for families to support keeping children safe outside of school:

  • Set clear boundaries and rules for where they can go, who they can spend time with and what time they should return home.
  • Ensure they know how to call for help if they need it, and have a designated safe space, such as a neighbour's house, for emergencies.
  • Teach them the importance of stranger danger and how to recognise risky situations.
  • Encourage them to walk in groups rather than alone and always wear visible clothing when out in the dark.
  • Remind them that alcohol and drugs can harm their health and cause them to take unnecessary risks.
  • Have open and honest conversations about their experiences to help them feel supported and safe, reminding them that if an adult tries to hurt them it's not their fault.