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The Wells Academy would like to make the examination experience as stress-free and as successful as possible for all pupils. The information on this page is helpful and informative for pupils and their parents.

Please take the time to read through the information which offers guidance and advice on the examination regulations and the procedures. The Examination Boards set down strict criteria that must be followed for the conduct of examinations and the Academy is required to follow them precisely.


This summer Y11 students will sit their summer GCSE and Vocational Summer examinations in normal examination conditions. This web page is a dedicated area for Year 11 students at the Wells Academy to be able to find all the information they need to support them with understanding the summer examination process.

Please be aware that students are expected to attend school as normal during the examination period and wear full school uniform.

Please also be aware that it is essential for students to be on time for their examinations and that if a student is late for an examination, they may not be able to sit the examination if they arrive at a time outside JCQ guidance.

Important Information for Parents and Students Regarding Exams:

Students will receive a copy of their summer examination timetable this will contain the name, date, duration and seat number for each exam. It is very important that students familiarise themselves with this and that they keep a copy safely to ensure that students attend each of their exams on time.

Most students will be at school as normal during the examination period, but all students must be aware that they need to arrive at school at least 15 Mins before the advertised start time of every exam. If students are late for an exam, they may be able to complete the exam however, this will be based on JCQ regulations and could potentially lead to a student not receiving a grade for that exam/subject.

Students should ensure that they have the correct equipment for their exams this includes:

  • Two or more black pens,
  • A pencil,
  • A pencil sharpener,
  • A rubber,
  • A highlighter,
  • A ruler,
  • A calculator (in exams this is allowed)
  • Mathematical instruments (in exams these are allowed accordingly)
  • A clear pencil case,
  • A clear bottle of water.

Students should be aware that they will not be allowed to take the following items into any examination:

  • A mobile phone,
  • iPods,
  • Watches of any description,
  • Revision notes of any description,
  • Any other communication devices,
  • Any other item in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.

Students will be required to leave their bags outside the exam room before they enter the exam venue and will be offered the opportunity to hand in any prohibited items as they enter the exam hall. Students must be aware that possession of any prohibited item in the exam room after the examination has started will be reported to the exam board and may lead to disqualification from the exam/subject.

Further to this, all students must ensure that when they enter any exam venue they follow exam conditions, this includes not communicating with other students for the duration of their time in the exam venue, this includes after the examination until they leave the exam venue.

Students should not be absent from an exam for any reason. We are aware however that on rare occasions attendance at an examination may not be possible. If this is the case please contact the school and ask to speak to Mr Davies or Mrs Keeling. Where possible please provide supporting evidence for this absence such as a doctor’s note and complete a special consideration form (please see below) outlining the reason for absence. Although we understand that in rare circumstances attendance at an exam might not be possible, decisions on whether special considerations are accepted for missing an exam are at the discretion of the exam board and we can make no assurances that they will accept these or if they do accept these what grade they will award after consideration.


Improving the physical environment of academies to enable those with disabilities to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities, and services provided.

The accessibility plan for The Wells Academy site is available to view and download below. The Accessibility Plan has been drawn up in consultation with the Greenwood Academies Trust Board, pupils, parents, staff, and Advisory Councillors of the Academy.

The Wells Academy is committed to providing a fully accessible environment that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents, and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are committed to challenging negative attitudes about disability and accessibility and to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance, and inclusion.

SEND Report and FAQs

At The Wells Academy we strive to achieve the highest standards to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We promote an inclusive educational environment in which we support and encourage all pupils to reach their potential.
Quality teaching is vital; however, for some children, there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets. In order to do this, steps may be taken to support young people through their learning journey.

The Wells Academy works closely with the Local Authority in Nottingham in order to support our learners who are identified to have a need within the four areas of SEND, as identified by the DfE (SEN CoP 2014). Further SEND information is here.

Access Arrangements:

At The Wells Academy we are committed to providing for the support needed for all of our students. To support our students with exams, on top of any specialist SEN provision as identified by our SEN department, special arrangements will be considered for students so they can access the examination content fairly.

If any student has been identified as having potential access arrangement requirements students will be tested to ensure they receive fair adjustments, so they can access the examination materials fairly. Testing is completed by our SENCO following JCQ guidance. If a student is awarded access arrangements these will be utilised for each examination a student sits as necessary.

If your child is sitting exams this coming summer, and you believe they require access arrangements but have not been tested for these currently please contact the Exams Officer.